Oxona Caps04 grotesque fonts
USD$15DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Oxona sans04 grotesque fonts
USD$15DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Kaput Black Caps02 Sans Capitals Fonts • Regular & Italic
USD$20DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
BigplaceBigplace | 02 fonts | Roman & Capitals | w/ alternates. Oblique, Extra condensed & Extra Bold
USD$18DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Thighten CapsTighten Caps Geo-Compressed fonts w/ alternates Letters & Numbers
USD$16DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Garota Slab serifA friendly family of 12 fonts. Roman, Italic and Small Caps.
USD$10DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
ThightenTighten Geo-Compressed fonts w/ alternates Letters & Numbers
USD$16DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
NeometraNeometra Sans Display & Small Caps, w/ 31 Geo-icons + 52 Extra Caps
USD$19DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Axial CutAxial Cut fonts. 04 fonts w/ Small Caps & Alternates | 785 glyphs
USD$16DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
ProbetaProbeta family • Sans & Condensed with Small Caps | 14 styles • 725 gliphs
USD$11DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
GeoplaceGeoplace expanded urban fonts w/ alternates Letters & Numbers
USD$15DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
GEOspeedGEOspeed Display Oblique & Small Caps w/ Geometric icons | 728 glyphs
USD$18DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Neo LatinaNeo Latina, 02 tech fonts, sans-serif, stencil, squares in small caps
USD$18DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
OdiseanOdisean, 03 Retro Fonts • One, Tech & Small Caps w/ alternates & Vintage Icons
USD$21DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Sextan Serif10 Lapidary Serif fonts • Light, Book, Regular, Bold, Black + Italics
USD$12DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Apothem Caps04 Capitals fonts. Light, Regular, Medium & Bold w/ alternate letters
USD$10DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
H.H. Samuel02 sans fonts • Roman & Small Caps • Black, Ultra Condensed
USD$22DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Apothem05 Geo-Condensed fonts. Light, Regular, Medium, Bold, Extra Bold w/ alternate letters
USD$15DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Garota Sans12 friendly typefaces • Roman, Italic & Small Caps • Light, Regular, Medium, Bold
USD$10DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Fastup04 round fonts • Regular & Bold • Roman & Small Caps | 723 glyphs
USD$17DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Uchrony Slab24 fonts • Extra Light, Light, Regular, Medium, Bold, Extra Bold • Roman, Italic, Caps & Arrows
USD$14DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Waroverworn stencil typeface in Capitals • Latin Extended-A • 480 glyphs
USD$15DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Octuple max02 retro typefaces, rounded and multiple of eight • Solid & Shadow
USD$11DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Cowboya05 Tuscan serif typefaces in capitals | Decorative & Layered | Historical Fonts
USD$10DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Obesum Caps02 Fat & Display Fonts in Capitals w/ extra sophisticated ladies • Reg & Shadow
USD$12DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Panfleta Stencil07 condensed army fonts w/ cirillic
USD$10DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Enagol Math08 Slab Serif fonts • Light, Regular, Medium, Bold & true italics
USD$12DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Flamante Fonts40 fonts • Sans, Serif, Semiserif, Stencil & Round • Light, Book, Medium, Bold & italics
USD$10DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Cuatra07 tech fonts • Thin, Light, Book, Regular, Medium, Bold, Heavy
USD$10DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Red Thinker10 Sans Serif & Condensed fonts w/ Small Caps – Light, Regular, Medium, Bold, Extra Bold + Italics
USD$12DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Jane Roe06 fonts w/ Small Caps • Light, Regular, Bold & Italics
USD$10DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Yonky08 Slab Serif fonts: Light, Regular, Bold, Black & Italics
USD$10DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Fragua16 grotesk fonts • Thin, Light, Book, Regular, Medium, Bold, ExtBold, Black & Italics
USD$10DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Tripleta01 sans display font, Extra condensed & Fun
USD$10DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Jack Stanislav04 layer fonts • Black, Black Dots, White, White Dots • Handwritten & Modernist
USD$22DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Glotona04 layer fonts • Black, Black Dots, White, White Dots • Handwritten & Modernist
USD$10DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Pervitina Dex02 neo-stencil sans fonts w/ Small Caps. Solid & Shadow
USD$11DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Anoxic16 fonts • Light, Regular, Medium, Bold • Roman, Oblique & Small Caps
USD$10DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Carta Magna02 medieval handwritten fonts. 13th century. Solid & Line
USD$10DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Pentay font family20 fonts • Sans & Serif • Light, Book, Regular, Bold , Black + Italics
USD$11DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Coltan Gea Slab Serif12 Slab serif fonts w/ Small Caps • ExtLight, Light, Regular, Medium, Bold, ExtBold + Italics
USD$11DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Farisea fraktur04 layered fonts • Dark, Fraktur, Shadow, Lines • Histórical
USD$9DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
PartizanoSerif & Extra condensed w/ Small Caps • Retro Font
USD$22DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Paloseco12 Geo-Grotesque fonts w/ Small Caps • Thin, Light, Regular, Medium, Bold, ExtBold + Italics
USD$11DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Yonky08 Slab Serif fonts • Light, Regular, Bold, Black + Italics w/ alternates
USD$10DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Sargento Gorila02 Stencil fonts • Regular & Italic • Latin Extended-A & Cyrillic
USD$11DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Getho Semi Sans12 fonts w/ Small Caps • ExtLight, Light, Regular, Medium, Bold, ExtBold + Italics & Variable
USD$11DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Heptal Tuscan Serif10 Inverted Tuscan Serif Fonts • Light, Book, Regular, Bold & Black + Italics
USD$11DeliveryModeDirectDownloadPaypal, Stripe
Con más de 30 años de experiencia como diseñador gráfico y web, he dedicado los últimos 14 años a mi verdadera pasión: el diseño de tipografías. A lo largo de mi carrera, he explorado formas y estilos diversos, siempre en busca de innovar y aportar algo único al mundo del diseño.
Mi colección de tipografías es un reflejo de ese espíritu ecléctico que me caracteriza. Cada fuente que he creado fusiona influencias clásicas y contemporáneas, resultando en diseños que sorprenden y capturan la esencia de distintas épocas y culturas. Desde tipografías elegantes y sofisticadas hasta aquellas más audaces y experimentales, mi trabajo ofrece opciones para todo tipo de proyectos creativos.
El diseño tipográfico es, para mí, una forma de arte que va más allá de la simple comunicación escrita. Es una oportunidad para expresar personalidad, evocar emociones y dar vida a las palabras de una manera única. Estoy entusiasmado de compartir mi colección con otros profesionales y aficionados del diseño que buscan herramientas distintivas para enriquecer sus obras.
Espero que al explorar mis tipografías encuentres inspiración y recursos que te ayuden a dar forma a tus ideas más innovadoras. Mi compromiso es seguir expandiendo esta colección ecléctica, aportando nuevas perspectivas y manteniendo viva la pasión por el arte de la letra.