Full Versions + Commercial Licenses: Geoplace Small Caps urban fonts [5 Expanded typefaces]
Estilo: Sans Serif, Display, Geometric, Urban, Techno, Roman, Expanded
Proporción: Light, Regular, Medium, Bold, Black
Glyphs: 849
Alternates: 185
Latin-Extended: Latín Básico, Europa Occidental, Central & Oriental.
Formatos: TTF, OTF
Autor: deFharo
Versión: 2.849
Año de publicación: 2024.
Funciones OpenType: Additional languages, Petite Caps, All Alternates, Bitcoin, Capital Spacing, Contextual Alternates, Denominators, Discretionary Ligatures, Fractions, Historical Forms, Inferiors, Kerning, Localized Forms, Numbers Small Caps, Numerators, Oldstyle Figures, Ordinals, Scientific Inferiors, Slashed Zero, Small Capitals, Small Capitals From Capitals, Standard Ligatures, Stylistic Set, Subscript, Superior letters, Superiors, Superscript, Titling alternates.

w/ alternates Numbers & Letters
What are the different types of commercial licenses?
Terms and Conditions of Commercial Licenses
Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before using this font.
Use, transfer, distribution or installation of this font indicates acceptance of this agreement.
The commercial license fonts developed by Fernando Haro.
- The commercial license is nominal and exclusive for a single user.
- Can use unlimited design work in any commercial area. (Logos, Clothes, Flyers, Banners, Posters, Packaging, etc.)
- The result of these designs can be shown in any printed or digital medium
- Also install on their personal computers up to three (3).
- The fee is unique and the commercial license does not expire.
- In any case, the fonts can be used for more than a company with a single license.
- In case you need a license to a computer network read below the conditions of the extended license for Intranets.
- You may not sell, rent, lease, transfer, modify, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble or create any commercial work involving the distribution of the font files. (.ttf, .otf)
- All components that accompany the download file owned by Fernando Haro and can not be disassembled, modified, distributed or copied in any way.
- This license does not allow the inclusion of fonts in Web pages such as Webfonts, nor is inclusion in visual media allowed
- Read the terms of the extended licenses for webfonts and video below.
This Agreement constitutes the complete statement of the agreement between the parties on the matter, and merges and supersedes all other or prior understandings, purchase orders, agreements and arrangements.
This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Spain. Fernando Haro owns the copyright of the fonts, all derivatives, the name and accompanying materials are exclusive property of Fernando Haro.
Any liability of Fernando Haro will be limited exclusively to refund of the purchase price.
In any case, I am liable for any incidental, consequential, punitive or other damages that is related to the use of fonts.
The conditions of this license are in addition to those defined in the "SINGLE USER LICENSE":
- - User Single Commercial License conditions
- + Use allowed as webfonts up to 1 domains without limit of page views.
- + Install on their personal computers up to six (6).
These license give you the right to use the fonts in Webfont format(s) in one(1) internet domain. Webfont Extended Commercial License Terms for your website.
A webfont license allows you to embed the font on your website so that it can be displayed in any browser. You will be serving webfonts for your own web linked to a CSS file using @ font-face. The formats of Webfonts allowed are: .otf, .ttf, .eot, .woff, .svg.
You can use a licensed WebFont on a single domain name (URL). You can not link WebFont files across multiple domains.
Each commercial webfont license can be used in a single domain and has no pageview limit. If you want to use the fonts in different domains you must buy a license for each new domain.
The agencies responsible for websites for several clients, for example, web design agencies or hosting providers, can not share a single webfont license for several client websites.
Licensed WebFont(s) are always displayed in a Web environment, through a browser and only for aesthetic reasons. They may not be used in any other way, for other platforms, including web servers for various domains, smartphones, gaming devices and machines such as PS4, XBOX, Wii, GameBoy, PSP, APPS or any other media and/or TV player intelligent.
The conditions of this license are added to those previously defined in the licenses: SINGLE USER AND WEBFONTS EXTENDED
- The use of typography is allowed in audiovisual media such as: video, TV, films, documentaries, advertising spots, etc..
- This license can also be used for software projects (games, etc.) for desktop computers, allowing the inclusion of the fonts in said software. Offering to download fonts is not allowed.
- The commercial license limits use to a single title or work of software or audiovisual program.
- There is no limit on views or time restrictions.
- There is no geographical limitation for the broadcast of the work.
The conditions of this license are in addition to those defined in the "SINGLE USER LICENSE":
- This license allows you to insert the fonts in publications intended for Kindles, iPads or other eReaders.
- Each license is valid for a single title with no download limit.
- The eBooks license is appropriate for file formats such as PDF, EPUB 2.01, EPUB 3 and KF8.
The conditions of this license are in addition to those defined in the "SINGLE USER LICENSE":
- This license allows you to insert the fonts in your mobile application and distribute this on as many platforms as you want (iOS, Android and Windows Phone).
- The limit of 50,000 app installations. To increase the number of facilities you can buy a new license.
- The license is only valid for a mobile application. If you need to insert the fonts in new applications, buy one for each mobile application.
EXTENDED NETWORK LICENSE - Unlimited installation on computers on the same network
The conditions of this license are additional to the license types: SINGLE USER & WEBFONT EXTENDED
- + Use allowed as webfonts up to 6 domains without limit of page views.
- + Installation of fonts in the same network, without limit of computers.
What is your refund and exchange policy?
What is your refund and exchange policy?
All sales of licenses and fonts are final and refunds will not be granted, unless the product has unsurpassed technical problems.
Exchanges cannot be given. If you have technical problems with the fonts that render them unusable, we will do everything within our power to rectify the situation and provide you with a usable copy. If after 5 business days the issue is still unresolved, we give the option of a full refund. In order to receive this refund, you must destroy all copies of the font or fonts from your order in your possession, including backups.
Please check your cart carefully, as we are not responsible for a customer licensing the wrong font.
¡Bienvenidos a la nueva Geoplace Small Caps!
Esta tipografía es el resultado de mi pasión por el diseño y la precisión geométrica. Inspirada en un estilo urbano futurista y tecnológico, esta versión en versalitas es fruto de mi dedicación al arte de la tipografía. Mi objetivo es crear letras legibles y estéticamente agradables, que transmitan el mensaje deseado. Espero que disfruten explorando las posibilidades de esta tipografía tanto como yo disfruté creándola.
Diseño Meticuloso o perfección tipográfica…
Se ven en cada línea y curva de estas fuentes, hechas con precisión y cuidado extremo. La nueva versión en versalitas permite examinar cada detalle más a fondo, resaltando la modernidad de los entornos urbanos. La proporción expandida crea una sensación de amplitud y elegancia moderna, mientras se juega con diferentes formas y detalles para lograr una estética única y coherente.
Legibilidad y Versatilidad Potenciadas por las Versalitas
Cada detalle, desde el tamaño de las letras hasta el espacio entre ellas, ha sido ajustado cuidadosamente para asegurar que se lean fácilmente y se vean bien juntas. Es importante que las letras se vean bien en cualquier tamaño y contexto, y que mantengan su estilo y proporciones consistentes. Probar la tipografía en diferentes situaciones y tamaños es clave para asegurar que se vea bien en todas partes, y la versatilidad de las versalitas ayuda a mejorar aún más su legibilidad y armonía visual.
Libertad creativa sin límites
Geoplace Small Caps es una tipografía versátil que combina atractivo estético y funcionalidad. Ofrece cinco grosores distintos, desde delicados y elegantes hasta sólidos y potentes, junto con funciones avanzadas y opciones de letras y números. Con 849 glifos y la capacidad de ser utilizada como fuente variable, esta familia tipográfica brinda a los diseñadores una libertad creativa ilimitada. Además, su juego completo de caracteres la hace adecuada para proyectos en varios idiomas europeos derivados del latín.
Geoplace Small Caps cuenta con un juego completo de caracteres (Latin Extended-A), lo que la hace funcional para cualquier idioma europeo derivado del latín, convirtiéndola en una opción ideal para proyectos multilingües.
Versatilidad, funcionalidad y estética
Esta nueva versión tipográfica en versalita o small caps es perfecta para diseño, publicidad y medios audiovisuales, desde logotipos modernos hasta carteles impactantes y folletos informativos. Su legibilidad excepcional garantiza que el mensaje se comunique de manera clara y memorable, ya sea en vallas publicitarias o en diseño editorial. Además, su estilo urbano y moderno agrega sofisticación y frescura a cualquier campaña publicitaria, resaltando la marca y generando un mayor impacto visual.
En el ámbito del cine y la producción multimedia, esta tipografía es ideal para crear créditos iniciales y finales, subtítulos, carteles promocionales y otros elementos visuales que complementen la narrativa visual del proyecto. Su estilo tecnológico y contemporáneo se adapta perfectamente al entorno digital.
Con su estilo moderno y su gran versatilidad, es la opción ideal para destacar en un mercado creativo competitivo y siempre cambiante.
Geoplace Small Caps incluye funciones OpenType (Compatibles con InDesign, QuarkXpress, Photoshop e Illustrator.
Free for personal use only (FFP)